Month 2

How is my body changing?

  • Your breasts may still be sore and are getting bigger. Your nipples and the area around them begin to get dark.
  • You have to go to the bathroom more often because your uterus (womb) is growing and pressing on your bladder.
  • You may still have morning sickness.
  • You may feel tired and need to rest more often.
  • Your body makes more blood.

How is my baby growing?

  • Your baby’s major body organs, like the brain, the heart and lungs, are forming.
  • Your baby’s ears, ankles, wrists, fingers and toes are formed. Eyelids form and grow but are sealed shut.
  • By the end of the second month, baby is about 2.5cm long and still weighs less than 9gr.
Source: March of Dimes