How is my body changing?
- The skin on your belly may itch. You may see stretch marks. Use lotion and wear loose clothes.
- Your back may hurt. Don’t stand for long periods of time. And don’t lift heavy things.
- You may feel pain down the sides of your belly as your uterus gets bigger.
- You may have constipation. Drink more water or fruit juice. Eat more foods with fiber, like fruits and vegetables.
- You can still have sex, but stop if you feel pain or cramping.
How is my baby growing?
- Your baby’s skin is red and wrinkled. It’s covered with fine, soft hair.
- Your baby can kick strongly now.
- Your baby’s eyes are almost completely formed. Soon they can start to open and close.
- By the end of the sixth month, baby is about 30cm long and weighs 0.7-0.9kg
Source: March of Dimes