Month 8

How is my body changing?

  • If your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. If you choose to induce labor in a healthy pregnancy, talk to your provider about waiting until you’re full term at 39 weeks. Give your baby time to develop fully before he’s born.
  • You may feel stronger contractions this month.
  • Colostrum may leak from your breasts. This is the fluid that comes out of your breasts before your breast milk comes in. Wear breast pads in your bra to help with leaking.
  • You may have trouble breathing as the baby pushes on your lungs. Slow down and try to sit and stand up straight.
  • Your baby may crowd your stomach. Try eating four or five smaller meals during the day.
  • You should gain about 1/2kg a week this month.

How is my baby growing?

  • Your baby can kick strongly and roll around. You may see the shape of his elbow or heel against your belly. Tell your provider if you notice any change in how often your baby moves.
  • Your baby’s brain and lungs are still growing.
  • By the end of the eighth month, baby is about 46-48cm long and weighs about 1.8-2.3kg.
Source: March of Dimes