Try these tips to relieve common discomforts during pregnancy.
Breast changes
- Wear a well-fitted bra, preferably without underwire and made with cotton (as cotton ‘breathes’ better than synthetic). If you plan to breastfeed, your bra will probably be about one cup size larger than those you need in late pregnancy so buy your nursing bra in the ninth month.
- If your breasts are leaking, wear disposable breast pads inside your bra and change a few times per day. Also, allow your breasts to air dry a few times a day and after a shower.
- Drink more fluids, especially clean water. Avoid sodas, like Coke and other caffeine drinks like tea or coffee.
- Eat fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, especially dried fruit like apricots and prunes.
- Perform light exercises, like walking, every day.
- Avoid laxatives other than natural stool softeners and always check with your doctor first.
Dizziness or light-headedness
- Move slowly when you sit or stand up.
- Avoid standing up for long periods of time.
- Rest when needed and possible.
- Eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours.
- Drink lots of liquids; remember to aim to drink two liters of water per day.
- During your last trimester, lie on your left side versus your back, when resting or sleeping.
- Check with your doctor if you need an iron supplement.
- Rest and nap whenever possible.
- Perform light exercises, like walking, every day. This will make you less, not more, tired.
- Eat a healthy diet (small regular meals are better) and get enough iron and folic acid (via supplements).
- Limit caffeine, which is in tea/coffee, sodas and chocolate, as while it might provide a short-term boost, it could increase overall fatigue.
- Accept that you need extra rest and adjust your life accordingly e.g. avoid extra responsibilities where possible.
- Do not take any medications as none to relieve fatigue are safe during pregnancy.
- Eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours.
- Drink lots of liquids; remember to aim to drink two liters of water.
- Practice relaxation, such as deep breathing, reading a magazine or getting a massage.
- Get some fresh air e.g. take a walk.
- Try to sleep 8 hours each night and rest during the day where possible.
- Use either a cold or warm washcloth on your forehead.
- Think about if there is anything that triggers your headaches e.g. coffee, eye strain, and avoid them where possible.
- Only take acetaminophen (paracetamol) and never exceed the recommended allowance. Avoid ibuprofen and never take aspirin as this may increase your risk of bleeding.
- Call your doctor or go to the hospital if your headache is severe, frequent, long-lasting, or includes blurred vision, spots, or swelling.
- This feels like a burning sensation in your throat and upper chest.
- Eat small portions of food throughout the day.
- Avoid lying down after eating and eat dinner about two hours before bed.
- Avoid chocolate and fatty, acidic or spicy foods e.g. tomatoes, citrus fruits, vinegar, pepper, especially before going to bed.
- Eat milk and dairy products which might temporarily relieve symptoms.
- Take an over-the-counter remedy such as Gaviscon, in moderation (in large amounts it may be harmful), but check with your doctor first.
- Avoid getting constipated.
- Don’t sit on the toilet for a long time or straining while having bowel movements.
- Apply cold pads to hemorrhoids to temporarily relieve symptoms. Avoid medicines that contain local anesthetics as these can harm your baby.
- Do Kegel exercises regularly.
- Take a warm bath for 15-20 minutes to temporarily relieve symptoms.
Leg pain/cramps and lower back discomfort
- Get enough calcium by eating dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.
- Perform light exercise, such as walking for 20-30 minutes.
- Take a warm bath.
- Get a gentle massage from your husband or friend.
- Do pelvic tilt exercises for lower back pain.
- Avoid standing or sitting for long periods.
- Elevate your legs as often as possible.
- Wear low-heeled shoes.
- Practice good posture by tucking your buttocks under, standing straight and dropping your shoulders down.
- Be careful when lifting objects; bend your knees instead of bending over at the waist.
Mood changes
- Talk about how you feel and your worries with your husband or friend.
- Take time for yourself to enjoy an activity or pamper yourself, like a manicure.
- Spend time enjoying activities, especially with your husband.
- Perform light exercise, such as walking for 20-30 minutes.
- Rest and nap when possible to avoid becoming over-tired.
- Eat a healthy diet (small regular meals are best) and get enough iron and protein.
- Attend a childbirth class or read about pregnancy and childbirth; knowing what to expect will help ease tension.
Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)
- Eat small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day. Keep simple snacks, such as crackers, with you.
- Avoid lying down after eating.
- Try to avoid foods and smells that trigger your nausea and avoid fatty, acidic or spicy foods.
- Drink fluids mostly between meals. Aim to drink two liters of water each day. If you have been vomiting a lot, drink electrolytes (buy a sports drink or make your own with 1 liter of water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 6 teaspoons sugar).
- Get fresh air; take a walk or open the window.
- Take your prenatal vitamins with food or just before bed.
- Try ginger to settle the stomach (grate fresh ginger into hot water to make a tea).
- Take extra Vitamin B6 by eating plenty of bananas, nuts, green beans, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, lean meats, and fish. You can also take a supplement.
- Check with your doctor if you can take any over-the-counter or prescription medications as many are not safe during pregnancy.
Restless legs
- This can occur especially when trying to sleep.
- Avoid caffeine, like tea, coffee, sodas e.g. Coke, and chocolate.
- Perform light exercise, such as walking for 20-30 minutes.
- Massage your legs, especially before going to bed.
- Stretch your legs, especially before going to bed.
Skin changes
- Examples include stretch marks, spots, changes in skin color, sensitive or itchy skin.
- For changes in skin color, avoid sunburn, which may deepen skin coloring.
- For acne or breakouts, wash your face as you normally would.
- For stretch marks, there is nothing you can put on your skin to prevent them, but you can avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy, which is the most common cause of stretch marks.
- For itchy skin, avoid hot showers, use lotion on your skin, wear loose clothing, and avoid going out in the heat of the day.
- Don’t worry! Most of these changes will disappear after the baby is born.
Sleeping problems
- Perform light exercise, such as walking for 20-30 minutes.
- Take a warm bath before bed.
- Before bed, drink hot lemon water or warm milk.
- Eat dinner about two hours before going to bed and avoid sugar.
- Avoid caffeine, which is in tea/coffee, sodas, and chocolate.
- Do not take any medications as none to relieve sleeplessness are safe during pregnancy.
- Practice relaxation, such as deep breathing, reading a magazine, or getting a massage.
- Reduce any noise or lighting which might keep you awake.
- Try different sleeping positions, such as lying on your left side with a pillow between your knees.
- Rest and nap during the day if possible.
- Do not worry! Hormone changes later in pregnancy mean that it is normal to sleep only 2-3 hours at a time. It is just your body’s way of preparing you for the upcoming changes in your life.
- Avoid standing for long periods of time and avoid sitting with your legs crossed.
- Eat foods high in protein, such as beans, cheese, fish, red meat, and chicken.
- Drink hot lemon water.
- Lie down with pillows under your calves and feet two or three times per day.
- Do not wear tight clothing, such as pants, leotards, and knee-high stockings.
- Perform light exercise, such as walking for 20-30 minutes.
- Aim to drink two liters of water per day.
Vaginal discharge/yeast infection
- Try wearing skirts versus than pants.
- Wear 100% cotton underwear and sleep without underwear.
- Change underwear, if possible, during the day.
- Eat yogurt or take a probiotic supplement.
- Limit sugar and caffeine products.
- Avoid douching unless instructed by your doctor.
- Call your doctor if the discharge burns, itches, smells, or causes swelling.
- Do not take any medications, even over-the-counter ones, before checking with your doctor.
Varicose veins
- Perform light exercise, such as walking for 20-30 minutes.
- Do not wear tight clothing, such as pants, leotards, and knee-high stockings.
- Wear support hose when you plan on standing or walking for a long time. Put them on before getting out of bed in the morning.
- Avoid standing or sitting in one place for long periods of time and avoid sitting with your legs crossed. If you need to sit for long periods, every 30-60 minutes get up and stretch or walk around.
- Lie down with pillows under your calves and feet two or three times per day.
- Wear low-heeled shoes.
Category: Pregnancy