A few weeks before your due date, pack a small bag for the hospital with items you might need in labor and after birth. This includes:
- Your identity document.
- Any documents related to prenatal examinations.
- Toiletries such as toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, lipstick, deodorant, etc.
- Any book, magazine, or music player to pass the time and relax.
- Slippers and socks.
- 2-3 soft bras and 5-6 pairs of underpants.
- 2-3 comfortable nightgowns or shirts that reach to around your knees
- Maxi pads (sanitary napkins).
- Bottle of water.
- Clothes to return home.
For your new baby, you should also bring:
- Diapers and wipes.
- A vest/t-shirt and all-in-one cotton suit (if the hands and feet don’t close also bring socks and gloves). If it is winter you will also need a heavy all-in-one suit.
- Cotton hat.
- Blanket